Join STRENGTH & CONDITIONING COACH "Coach Chris" @coachchrisathletics
📆 Monday 10th March 2025 & Monday 17th March 2025
(you can choose to do 1 or both)
🕰️ 7 PM - 9 PM (UK Time)
💥 Gain exclusive insights of the transferability of “Gym Strength and Power” to on-pitch performance
💬 Delivered by one of the best in the business!
Workshop #1 - “Building the Ultimate Keeper: The Power of the Weightroom”
The weightroom is an extremely misunderstood area within the world of sports performance, and this is especially true within the goalkeeping community. In this workshop, we will discuss the role of the weightroom in the making of an elite goalkeeper, providing insight into the different forms of resistance training and their long- & short-term effects on goalkeeper health & performance.
Workshop #2 - “Movement Mastery: The Bridge between the Weightroom and the Pitch”
In part 1, we discuss the importance of the weight room as it relates to the health & performance of goalkeepers.
In part 2, we’ll discuss the role that General & Specific Movement Skill Development has in the transferability of “Gym Strength and Power” to on-pitch performance.
We’ll touch on topics such as:
•What are Movement Skills and why are they important?
•The relationship between ‘Movements’ and ‘Outputs’
•Why being a generally good mover can make skills such as ‘Positioning’ much easier to implement & develop
•And much more!